Monday, February 13, 2006

My Guitar

Originally uploaded by littlececilia.
When I was about 11 years old, my mom asked me what instrument I wanted to play. I think she was hoping that I would answer, "piano" or "violin." But I told her that I wanted to play the guitar. To her credit, she bought me one used for about $10 at a thrift store. I still play, but I used to frustrated my classical instructor because I never practice. I'm not good enough be a musician, so why practice?


Minhsu said...

I practice guitar because it gets me chicks. simple reason. hadogay~
You should've choose tuba, but girls are cooler on the guitar i think.

littlececilia said...

The guitar sometimes gets me chicks, too, but I don't really want chicks, so it's a bit of trouble for me. My ex bought me my first adult guitar and he liked mine so much, he bought himself one. I taught him how to play the guitar and how to cook--basically made him more desireable for chicks. He owes me.